What are Common Injuries Sustained in Side-Impact Car Accidents in Kent?
A side-impact car crash occurs when the auto strikes another vehicle or a collision with a fixed object on the roadway, such as a guardrail. The impact results in almost total bodyweight of one of the cars being directed towards the other– and that’s where side-impact car accident injuries come into play. Common injuries sustained in side-impact collisions include rib fractures, neck spine fractures, head trauma, as well as chest injury, and facial trauma. A victim of a side-impact car accident is likely to experience numbness or tingling sensations down both arms, either temporarily or permanently, following an accident caused by someone else.
If you are injured in a side-impact car accident, hiring a car accident lawyer in Kent is essential. A car accident lawyer in Kent will be able to help you file your insurance claim so that you can receive the compensation that your medical bills and car damage require.
We will now see the most common injuries sustained in a side-impact car accident.
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Neck and spinal injuries
Neck injuries are the most frequent among those sustained in a side-impact car accident. Following a fall against the head, cervical spine injury causes the neck to break, rendering the person unconscious. The patient may experience neck pain and intense pain in their arms or shoulders
Rib fractures
Rib fractures are another common injury sustained in a side-impact car accident, which can cause rupturing of the lung or collapsing of one or more ribs. In cases where a car crashes into another vehicle, passengers may sustain rib fractures from bone fractures as well as internal bleeding caused by impact injuries. Rib fractures can be caused by side impacts when cars are pushed into one another head-on (a result of an accident caused by someone else).
Head injuries
Head trauma is another common injury sustained in a side-impact car accident. Fractures of the skull and lacerations caused by metal or glass debris occur. In crashes where cars are pushed into one another, victims may sustain head injuries on the sides of their heads from flying glass from the windows panes.
Injuries to limbs
Traumatic injuries to limbs are also typically sustained in a side-impact car accident. When a car runs off the road and crashes into an object, such as a guardrail or tree, the force is transmitted down the body of the driver and passengers. This causes the legs to break, causing severe blood loss and making it difficult for victims to walk after an accident. Visit this website https://freebook1.com/ to get detailed information about accident law.